Easy Ride and City Wheels Form a

Carpoolers can save money, make friends and help the planet, all on the same trip.

Carpooling is one of the oldest, most popular ways to share a ride. Co-workers, fellow students and neighbors who share a common destination get together and share the cost of their commute.

Savings add up quickly – and can easily exceed $2,000 a year – depending on the distance travelled, the number of passengers and the price of gas and tolls.

And people who carpool are more likely to enjoy their ride. Carpooling is social and brings riders together. It's like social media on wheels. By leaving their cars at home, carpool riders help reduce traffic, improve air quality and give the planet a break.

Program Brochure

So What Makes us Different

EZ to Connect

EZ Ride makes it easy to join an existing carpool. As a Transportation Management Association affiliated with New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ DOT), we can match other commuters in your area who wish to share a ride to a common destination.

Emergency Ride Home

Once you're registered, you are automatically registered in the Emergency Ride Home program, which gives peace of mind to qualified commuters, knowing that they'll get home freely in the event of an emergency.

Statewide Access

We are your resource for finding a better way to commute in New Jersey. Our FREE ride matching service connects people to rides with New Jersey's largest commuter network. To register click www.njrideshare.com

How it Works

Be cool. Carpool.

Carpooling is one of the easiest ways to ride-share. You can call on neighbors, fellow students or co-workers to ask if they'd be interested. You decide who you want to carpool with and how often.

A carpool can start with only two riders, although adding a third and fourth greatly contributes to savings.

Once you have two or more riders, get together and set ground rules:

  • Decide on who drives and when
  • Set pickup times and locations, which can be homes, Park and Ride lots o r any agreed upon location.
  • Determine the best way to share costs. If everyone takes a turn driving, then it's all sharing. If one person drives, then each passenger contributes a share of the expenses. Compile contact information and keep each other informed. Make a back-up plan in case of bad weather or something unforeseen.

Go your own way

Some carpools have the same car and driver every day. Other carpools arrange for different riders to take turns driving their own cars. Either way, we can help.

If you'd like to start a carpool or like to join an existing one,click here.

Find available transit options using NJ TRANSIT Trip Planner

Join an Existing Carpool

We make it EZ to connect with other carpoolers

EZ Ride makes it easy to join an existing carpool. As a Transportation Management Association affiliated with New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ DOT), we can match other commuters in your area who wish to share a ride to a common destination.

To participate, simply fill out an application and request a list of existing carpools to choose from.

You can be a driver or passenger or both

When you register, indicate your preference to join a carpool as a rider. You'll receive a list of commuters who live in your area, with similar work destinations.

Establish clear ground rules

Once you've have identified a carpool, get together with the driver to request the ground rules:

  • Find out who drives and when
  • Determine the pickup times and locations, which may be homes, Park and Ride lots or any agreed upon location.
  • Determine how the group shares costs. If everyone takes a turn driving, then it's all sharing. If one person drives, find out how much the other passengers contribute as their share of the expenses.
  • Keep a contact list to stay informed. Know if there's a back-up plan in case of bad weather or something unforeseen.

Carpooling is one of the most popular methods of ride-sharing. Once you try it, you'll know why.

Start a New Carpool

Starting your own carpool is EZ

If you're starting your own carpool, EZ Ride makes it easy by matching you to our list of riders who have registered to join a carpool. As a Transportation Management Association affiliated with New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ DOT), we can match you with other commuters in your area who wish to share a ride to a common destination.

To participate, simply set up your account and request a list of riders who are looking to join a carpool.

When you register, indicate your preference to join a carpool as a driver. You'll receive a list of commuters who live in your area, with similar work destinations.

Establish clear groundrules

Once you have two or more riders, get together and set ground rules:

  • Decide on who drives and when
  • Set pickup times and locations, which can be homes, Park and Ride lots or any agreed upon location.
  • Determine the best way to share costs. If everyone takes a turn driving, then it's all sharing. If one person drives, then passengers contribute a share of the expenses.
  • Compile contact information and keep each other informed. Make a back-up plan in case of bad weather or something unforeseen.

Carpooling is one of the most popular methods of ride-sharing. Once you start your own, you'll wonder why you ever waited so long.

What Does it Cost?

Here's the good news

Carpooling doesn't reallycost. Itsaves. Sure, some money is exchanged. But compare that to what each rider would pay to commute individually. You'll see the cost is considerably less. So carpooling is like a gift that keeps saving and saving.

Although it only takes two people to form a carpool, increasing the number of passengers will decrease the amount each individual contributes.

The more carpoolers, the more you save

Carpoolers share costs by either taking turns driving their own cars, or – if they are just passengers – by contributing to help defray costs of the car, gas, tolls and insurance. The amount you contribute is worked out between the driver and passenger and is impacted by the distance of your trip, the price of gas and tolls, and any other expenses.

Some auto insurance policies give discounts for carpooling. Check with your insurance company or agent to see if you're eligible.

In addition to saving on gas, tolls, insurance and depreciation, carpooling also saves the environment by removing cars (and their emissions) off the roads.

Emergency Ride Home Program

EZ Ride's Emergency Ride Home Program guarantees Carpoolers a ride home from work when unexpected circumstances arise.

Knowing that you will be able to get home in case of illness, family crisis or unscheduled overtime gives you just one more reason to consider carpooling to work.

EZ Ride will arrange your return trip home at no cost to you.

How it works

When you register for EZ Ride's Emergency Ride Home program, you qualify for up to three rides home a year. You may use an Emergency Ride Home if:

  • You or a family member suffers an illness or a severe crisis
  • You unexpectedly must work past your normal work time at the request of your supervisor
  • Your normal carpool or vanpool driver has to leave early or you have to work late.

Requests must be received between Monday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The Emergency Ride Home Program may not be used for personal errands, previously scheduled appointments.

1.  Call EZ Ride at 201-939-4242 Ext.4 and give them the following information:

  1. your full name
  2. work address
  3. work phone
  4. time that you need to be picked up
  5. your destination
  6. the nature of the emergency
  7. your supervisor's name (or name of the person requesting the ride for his/her employee)

2.  Meet the driver at the main entrance to your building. Bring your company ID (if applicable) and show it to the driver.

3.  Sign for the ride.


Source: https://ezride.org/transportation/carpools/

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